A commitment to innovation and sustainability

PAMM.MY.ID adalah platform Hedge Fund Trader Incubator yang dirancang untuk mengasah keterampilan trader melalui lingkungan simulasi dan pelatihan langsung. Kami menawarkan akses ke strategi perdagangan mutakhir, mentor berpengalaman, dan komunitas yang mendukung, sehingga memungkinkan trader mengembangkan potensi penuh mereka dan mempersiapkan diri untuk sukses dalam dunia perdagangan hedge fund yang kompetitif.

Trade your way into a hedge fund career

Keamanan dana dan hasil investasi optimal adalah prioritas utama edukasi berkelas kami. Pilih kami untuk pengelolaan aset yang handal dan kesempatan mendapatkan keuntungan yang berkelanjutan. Ayo tumbuh bersama kami!

Longterm Consistency

Build a long-term, sustainable trading plan with patience and consistency.

Trader Reward

Ensure trader get rewarded for good skills, robust risk management, consistency.

Reduce Drawdown

Reduce the likelihood of rewarding ‘lucky’ decisions and over

Reduce Over Leveraging

Reduce the likelihood of rewarding ‘lucky’ decisions and over leveraging.

Support Ecosystem

Provide an ecosystem that encourage traders to evolve their skills and knowledge without feeling pressure to over leverage.

The Hedge Fund as a Service (HFaaS)

Provides all necessary resources for you to approach your own investors, with your brand and your fees without the competition

HFaaS Ecosystem

Provides all necessary resources for you to approach your own investors, with your brand and your fees without the competition.


  • Proven profitable
  • Sustainable longterm
  • Shared VPS


  • 100.000 hours research
  • Proven years stable
  • Shared VPS

“PAMM.my.id has saved us thousands of hours of work and has unlocked insights we never thought possible.”

Michael Dell

CEO, Greenprint

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